onsdag 6 december 2017

Första tanden!!

Titta vad som hände idag när vi läste saga!!!
Tidigare idag, Elise till mig när vi gör oss i ordning på morgonen: 
"Mamma det gör ont i tanden. Jag vill att den ska komma ut nu!!" 
Jag: "Jag förstår det, den trillar nog ut snart!"
Elise: "Mamma på samlingen på förskolan bad jag till Gud att tanden skulle trilla ut."
"Men det var ingen som lyssnade."

Senare, efter att tanden trillat ut: 
"Mamma, det blir nog väldigt svårt för tandfén att hämta de här tänderna när jag tappar dem" (pekar på övre framtänderna)
-jaha, varför tror du det?
"Jo för hon har nog väldigt små händer".



... Och efter!!

lördag 29 juli 2017

(Backup) Frankrike sommar 2017

Breaking the radio silence with a holiday update! 

First part of our summer holiday...
Flew to Nice, flight got delayed but got upgraded to first class so that was nice :) 

Kids were great, as usual! 

Got to Nice airport and luggage was delayed (but thankfully not lost which we feared for a while) , then caught the airport bus to car rentals and had a huge long wait to get the car. Called the hotel whilst waiting for the car, to let them know we'd be arriving late, only to find out that our hotel booking (which had been booked and paid for, or so we thought) had been cancelled! Thanks a lot Booking.com!!!! And on top of this the hotel was now fully booked. At this point it was about 11pm and everyone were quite exhausted already, so not the news you want really. So there started the frantic search for new accommodation for the night and the first part of our holiday, eventually we ended up in Mandelieu outside of Cannes, where we had quite a lovely stay at an apartment hotel with a great pool, a big man-made lake complete with fish, turtles and ducks and a garden-like golf course. And not to mention close to a great Mediterranean beach! 

On the road.. 

Currently on our way to Cahors to visit Angela, thankfully we have the most amazing children who are great even after 3h of driving with 4h still to go...